Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Day Thirty-One: Rainy Days

Today started out as a cold, rainy October day. Lately the weather has not been very wonderful, with cold days mixed with rain and wind. Lots of wind. Early in the morning I had to work a shift at work, in the ice rink. I was already cold going in, so I knew it would be a long shift. I sat there, freezing on the cold metal chair, only to realize (about 45 minutes into my shift) that the space heater never turned on. After fussing with it for a second, the heater turned on and things got better. As I started to warm up during the day, my day improved. In photo we were working on printing some pictures form our window project. My photos actually turned out well, and seeing the final product really made me happy. As the cold day draws to an end, I am very tired. I have to get up early to work an opening shift at work, so, tired from a good swim practice, I will hit the hay a little early.
-Libby Morehouse

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