Friday, November 7, 2014

Day Forty-Seven: Our Town

I know it's technically Friday, but I still haven't gone to bed, so I"m counting this as still Thursday. Tonight was the opening for "Our Town" at the Royall Tyler Theatre at UVM.  As part of the cast of Toys Take Over Christmas, I ushered for the show tonight, so I got to see it for free. Our Town isn't the typical type of show I'd choose to see, but I really enjoyed it. It was so well done, and the actors are just amazing.  The emotion they portrayed was so real; they believed the story they were telling, and they became the characters.  Throughout the show, many actions were pantomimed, letting the audience use their imaginations, seeing the glass milk bottles being put on the table.
It is a tradition after opening night of each show to go to Vermont Pub and Brewery (VPB) as a theatre department and celebrate. Everyone goes, people who were in the show or worked on it, anyone currently in other shows or in shows that season, majors, minors and even the professors. It's a great time to get to know the department and the people you'll be working with in the future. It's so laid back and a lot of fun. It was a nice way, as a first year, to get to know the department outside of working in a production. We didn't leave VPB until after midnight, which meant a lot of talking and a lot of laughs with new friends. This also means I will be very tired if I don't go to bed now.
-Libby Morehouse

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