Saturday, November 8, 2014

Day Forty-Eight: Cold Friday

Today I got caught outside in the snow in my Birks. I had left my room to talk to someone in my building before class in those shoes, and I didn't have time before geography to put real shoes on. I thought I'd be okay; it was only raining a little. By the time class got out, however, the temperature had dropped. On my way to French it started to snow. I was outside, in a sweatshirt and Birkenstocks. In that moments, I was so happy to be a Vermonter, because I was used to the cold. Finally I got to my class, and I knew that it would be a short walk from class to my dorm.
In the evening, I had rehearsal over on Trinity campus.  I wore boots there, but it was still a long walk. The wind was biting at me with every step. I made it there in one piece, and rehearsal went well. Unfortunately, I seemed to have left my phone there. I didn't realize this until I got back to my suite. I still can't find my phone anywhere, and my only thought is that I accidentally put it down somewhere during a break. Thankfully we have rehearsal there tomorrow. Hopefully I'll find my phone then.
-Libby Morehouse

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