Friday, September 26, 2014

Day Six: Commitment

It's day six of this daily blog and I'm just going to be honest; this is hard. I don't know where I got the notion that I could blog daily. My life isn't interesting at all. I'm just an average 18 year old having a normal time at college. I don't have an interesting back story or interesting events happening in my life. I'm just me, a girl who's slightly more socially awkward than normal, sitting on her computer instead of in the amphitheater listening to guitar house's concert.
This will be hard, but I'm up for the challenge I set myself, and it is a challenge. I've always loved writing, but I rarely take the time to write for myself. Only one other time have a written in a journal daily for any length of time, and that's when I was in Rwanda for three weeks. It was easy then. I was experiencing so much and going through a wide range of emotions every day; it was a helpful to alleviate some of that. But this is a true challenge. How do I talk about the monotony of every day life? How do I try to make it interesting? Does anyone really care or am I just writing for myself? I guess the point of this blog is just for me to write for myself. Beyond that, I'm not sure. Am I writing so I can look back one day or am I writing so I can keep looking forward? I can see how this will be therapeutic. I'm not sure how long I will keep this up. I guess one reason I chose to write every day is to get into a much needed routine as everything is so different now in college. Another reason was to push myself out of my comfort zone and provide an intellectual challenge, and I'm not one to back down from a challenge. So I will take this and honor my commitment; unless I am in some situation where I don't have access to a computer or internet, unless I find myself or someone else in a terrible situation where I need to give the situation my undivided attention, I will blog, every day. That seems like a daunting task now that it's out there, but I must follow through, for anyone who might be out there who likes hearing what happens in my mind, but mostly for myself.
So until tomorrow, I'm sorry again for the rambling and I apologize in advance for any future rambling posts.
-Libby Morehouse

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