Monday, September 29, 2014

Day Nine: Creatures of Habit

It's undeniable, we are creatures of habit. We fall into rhythms. You can blame it on our culture, the monotony of our day or work week; you can blame it on our circadian rhythm, our own bodies repeating cycle after cycle. Whatever the cause may be, we get comfortable and don't want to change. But sometimes life forces you to change.  For instance, you might move, get a new job, or go to college.
Whenever my rhythm changes I'm always thrown off. It feels uncomfortable and takes time to get used to, but, without a doubt, I fall back into another rhythm, a new one that fits my current schedule. It's subconscious. Each night I'll set my alarm to the same time, waking each morning before getting ready for the day in the exact same way, sometimes switching up which tea I drink. Then I head off to the same classes, to the same job, and sit at the same desk to do school work before repeating the next day and the next. Although, unlike in high school, my class schedule isn't the same from day to day, it is from week to week. I have certain daily habits and routines, but I also have a larger cycle in my routine, covering a week at a time.
Sometimes, though, it is nice to change things up. Be it a much needed break, walking a different route to the same classes, or sitting somewhere else to eat or in the classroom. The change is good; it makes things interesting again and provides a much needed refresher, a new outlook. As nice and comforting as having a routine is, I want to make a habit of breaking my habits from time to time.
-Libby Morehouse

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